SilverWav's Journal

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Posts Tagged ‘abp

A simple alternative to Hacktheweb, aardvark, platypus or Tampermonkey.

with 7 comments

Because I hate ugly distracting cruft on websites. :-)


I loved Platypus but moved on to Aardvark when it died, then created Hacktheweb to enable aardvark to save scripts to Stylish (recreating most of the platypus functionality with out the risks).

But while creating extensions can be a lot of fun, maintaining them… not so much.

Each time Stylish changes you need to update Hacktheweb to match. Tried that for a few years and… meh. So instead I just used Hacktheweb with the old Stylish.

Also Hacktheweb was created on Firefox and I have moved to Chrome…

The Binding Flash of Inspiration:

But I had a revelation… Adblock Plus! Never really considered it after ruling it out a while ago (no widthify, no stylish, and I had hid the ABP button so out of sight out of mind).

But looking at it in this new light (looking for Simple, Quick and Good Enough, rather than Perfect).

The Benefits for me are:

No extra extensions, I am using ABP already, so no extra trust needed. Also backed by a big name developer.

ABP block element is quick and easy to use, as is transferring filters.

The Result:

Fantastic clean, distraction free, easy reading of my favourite web sites… without having to build and maintain my own extension.

Looks like a plan :-)


[25.07.2020] Update:

So yes life moves on :-)

All in on Apple these days, bought a 12.9 IPad Pro Dec 2017 and it’s the best computer I have owned.

I also purchased a stand, a Magic Keyboard and a Trackpad.

Now I have installed @AdGuard and it is just about perfect for my iPad & iPhone.

I found that I can block a part of a web site – like a header or sidebar that’s annoying me – so we have a winner.

Via a post at Macworld:…

RSS Note:

I was using RSS but I have just moved over to TweetDeck.

Life moves on!


[07.04.2018] Update:

So 1st, check out the comments for a couple of extensions that others have recommended.

Next, on Windows I’m still using ABP & the block element function, because I trust them and use it as an Adblocker anyway.

Next, on IPad I have moved over to Safari on iPad solely because of Automatic Reader View.

It loads the page then Reader View kicks in, and I get just the text and main images, no ads no cruft. I use the iPad 2017 with a Logitech slim folio case, basically a 9.5in laptop with touch.

Any edge cases that the Reader View cant cope with I save to Pocket.

Too busy in RL so this is the best life hack to the web readability problems that I have ATM.


Written by SilverWav

July 21, 2015 at 3:09 pm